FAQs & Preparing for Your Visit 

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM), also known as Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT). It is a medical practice by which medical conditions are diagnosed and treated holistically. It is also a preventative medicine. Rather than treat medical conditions with a singular approach, osteopathic physicians examine the the body as a whole, then diagnose and treat conditions holistically. With their hands, osteopathic physicians identify areas of restriction, tenderness and asymmetry, then gently, manually manipulate the musculoskeletal system.

What should I expect during my initial visit?

You will receive a thorough medical and psychosocial intake, a complete head-to-toe structural exam and full treatment.

Head-to-Toe Structural Exam

The doctor observes and searches for compromising habitual postures, both standing and seated positions, identifies restrictive areas in your body, all of which potentially cause persistent health issues.

Treatment and Healing Process

Osteopathic Manual Medicine is a hands-on treatment that focuses on identifying and treating mobility restrictions within the body. Through a series of gentle, manual techniques, practitioners manipulate the areas of your body to alleviate these restrictions, promoting better overall health and healing.

Especially with chronic and complex conditions, the first treatment helps the body begin to let go, setting the stage for the body to start releasing tension. Commonly, patients experience mild or subtle alleviation of symptoms after their initial treatment. The change may even be imperceptible at first. Still, most often, after the first visit, a person feels some level of improvement, and due to the intricate nature of musculoskeletal issues and strain patterns, some discomfort may return. This recurrence is typically linked to deeper, unresolved strain patterns that require additional treatments to fully address.

Musculoskeletal and neuromuscular issues are due to either an outside force on the body, a habitual posture imbalance, or imperfect body mechanics.  Dr. Venables investigates the underlying causes of these issues, unique to each patient, and treats them accordingly. In line with the philosophies of holistic healing, complete resolution often entails osteopathic care augmented by patient participation in making lifestyle adjustments. Augmentations include strengthening and stretching exercises, relaxation, posture correction, and other homeopathic modalities, as recommended by Dr. Venables.

Recovery timelines and responses to treatments vary among patients, influenced by overall patient health, lifestyle, and frequency and consistency of treatments. Regular and consistent follow-up treatments are key in achieving the most successful outcomes.  


If possible, avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours. You may experience tiredness and soreness after treatment. Listen to your body – rest when needed. Gradually return to activities when you feel ready. Remember, treatment responses vary.

How long will my appointment take?

90 minutes (60 minutes for minors). Follow-up appointments are 90 or 60 minutes depending on patient preference.

Appointment Preparation

Prior to your appointment, please complete the following online registration forms.

  • Medical history intake
  • HIPAA Privacy Acknowledgment
  • Consent for Treatment

Please remember to dress comfortably to allow for unrestricted mobility.

Do osteopathic physicians receive additional education and training in medical school?

Absolutely. In osteopathic medical schools, practitioners are trained in over 40 different manual techniques to sense and release obstructions in the body, from head to toe. These techniques range from direct work on tight muscles and out-of-place bones, to more subtle unwinding of facial strains, increasing circulation to trigger points, as well as a gentle osteopathic technique called osteopathy in the cranial field, sometimes referred to as cranial sacral treatments. Cranial sacral treatments can directly affect the central nervous system.